
May 25, 2010

Am I a slacker bride?

So... clearly, I haven't been devoting the time to blogging about the wedding than I originally anticipated or hoped for. And in 5 months of being engaged, have thus far only set the wedding date and booked the venue.

Why you ask? Well, frankly, I don't think I expected just how daunting the whole wedding planning process would be... and I'm coming to terms with the fact that I just might not be your "normal" bride...

I should have expected this, given that I, myself might not exactly be "normal" in general. I give you Sebastian the crab as Exhibit A below for reference.

Now what I can ascertain from this situation, and the fact that I...
  • Would rather wear a cowboy hat the day of the wedding than a tiara (not actually doing this, but just as a basis of comparison)
  • Cringe at the thought of wearing a 30 lb poofy ballgown wedding dres
  • Am not a huge fan of flowers as decoration in general
  • Am planning on hiring a party bus to bring everyone to the venue, instead of a limo, Bentley or horse-drawn carriage (that was really the "girliest" option I could think of)
  • Do not want to be a "princess" on my wedding day
  • Have yet to buy a bridal magazine for myself 
... leads me to believe that I have gone about this wedding planning process all the wrong way -- the "normal" way! 
Every wedding website I've visited gives you a timeline/checklist for each and every thing you are supposed to do leading up to the wedding... Book the venue 12+ months out; audition bands/DJs at 9-11 months; hire the photographer at 6 months... Ahhhh... so much to do!!

Well you know what? I'm officially canning the "to do" list and throwing wedding coordinator caution to the wind! We'll get it done, when and how we want to do it. Because at the end of the day, the wedding process shouldn't feel like being in a pressure cooker that just bursts open the day of the wedding, making you feel like "wow, I'm just glad it's done and over with!" It should be more like sailing -- where you're happy to reach your final destination, but you're glad that you got to enjoy the scenery on the way.

So sure, maybe that makes me a slacker bride, that I haven't been booking vendors left and right and would rather go out for a beer after work than do a cake testing. But you know what? I'm OK with that. I can have my cake -- (AND beer) -- and eat it too.


  1. I'm with ya sista! Don't let all of the silk taffeta, tiaras, chicken dances, YMCA's, Jordan almonds, bouquet tosses or garters get you down! You're better than that! Just make your wedding reflect the two of you, your favorite songs, favorite drinks, photos of YOU (not of an unrecognizable veiled/stressed out mystery couple)and make it FUN! It may end up being non-traditional,but believe me, people will get on board and it will be amazing!

  2. you did not post the sebastian picture! ;)

  3. Meliss -- fantastic comment and WOW am I going to make sure to add The Chicken Dance to a "do not play list"!! Can't wait to leave for Aruba next Thursday!! wooo!! Stef -- I HAD to post the crab pic, it was just too perfect to pass up!!! hahaha
